The Northern Cape News Network


Minister Davies, MEC Winde and City of Cape Town, Mr Lance Greyling engaging business people during the Industrial Breakfast Session on the Rural and Township Industrial Economy hosted in Atlantis, Western Cape.

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The Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies says his Department has over time worked on decentralising the Industrial Development in order to create viable rural and township economies. Minister Davies was speaking at the Industrial Breakfast Session on the Rural and Township Industrial Economy hosted in Atlantis, Western Cape.

The objective of the session was to create a platform for collaboration between the public and the private sector in developing support mechanisms for the rural and township economy.

According to Davies programmes such as the Revitalization of Industrial Parks and the Special Economic Zones (SEZ) Programme are enablers to drive the economy and create sustainable jobs. He said Atlantis where the session was held, is on the right track to be designated as an SEZ and also take a lead in the renewable energy space.

“Between 2014 to 2016 Atlantis has attracted an investment of about R680 million from both local and international investments which has led to jobs in the wind, solar energy efficiency and in other technologies created. He said that not only is the SEZ committed to attracting international investments, but also to support local entrepreneurs, Small Medium Enterprises and the youth,” said Davies

He added that the SEZ would have attracted investments worth R3.7 billion by 2030 and this excludes gas to power and other sectors. More than twenty investors have shown significant interest in the zone and ongoing engagement facilitated.

Minister Davies also said the Rural and Township Economy Programme has been identified as a vehicle for achieving nationwide objectives of transforming and growing the economy, as well as addressing youth employment. He added that this will be one of the key programmes of government to realise the notion of inclusive economy.

Speaking at the same event, the MEC for Economic Opportunities, Mr Winde Atlantis said the Atlantis SEZ will open up possibilities on the West Coast corridor and lead to jobs in the energy sector.

Winde said where there is a clear collaboration between all spheres of government working together much more is achieved in terms of job creation and transformation.

The provincial Industrial Breakfast Sessions on the Rural and Township Industrial Economy are being rolled out in collaboration with the B-BBEE Advisory Council and will serve as consultation forums for the provinces as well as a build-up to the National B-BBEE Rural and Township Economy Summit which will be held in East London, Eastern Western Cape on 19 and 20 July 2018.

Caption: Minister Davies, MEC Winde and City of Cape Town, Mr Lance Greyling engaging business people during the Industrial Breakfast Session on the Rural and Township Industrial Economy hosted in Atlantis, Western Cape.

Issued by: The Department of Trade and Industry

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