The Northern Cape News Network


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Congregants of the St Mary’s African Methodist Apiscopal (AME) Church gathered at corner Hulana Road and Lang Street in Galeshewe, holding up banners calling for an end to the evil of the abuse of women and children. They were in full voice, marching down the main road of Hulana, raising awareness and calling for an end to an ill that has gripped society at large.

“We are experiencing a lot of heinous crime, more especially the abuse of women and children. I believe it should not only happen during the 16 days of activism against women and children abuse. We see what is happening, now the other day a 21 year old student was shot dead by her boyfriend at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. Every day, we hear about the abuse against women and children. And we want to take a stance as a church, to tell the community that we are against the abuse of women and children. This is a sickness in our country, nobody is afraid of the law,” said Reverend Lehlohonolo Motlhaodi.