The Northern Cape News Network

Community Owned Droogfontein Farm Fresh Eggs Could Hit The Shelves Soon

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Kimberley: Established as a pilot-project in 2019, the Droogfontein Farm Fresh Eggs enterprise owned by the Droogfontein Communal Property Association (D-CPA), has laid its existence and is determined to find its nesting in the shelves of big grocery retailers in the near future.

The enterprise was conceptualized as part of the Droogfontein CPA Chicken Farm Pilot Project. Despite it being infant years for this brand; its quality, packaging and cost gives something to write home about. Hence, its management’s focus if firmly set on enlarging the enterprise.

“We want to upgrade our structure and focus on big retailers like Spar and Shoprite. But, for now we are starting small.

“We are still looking for funding. The CPA does not have the money for expanding the enterprise but we are looking for funding to upgrade the infrastructure,” explains Boikanyo Molema, the manager of the enterprise.

Apart from building new coops to reinforce the current four, Molema adds that extra lighting to enhance the egg-laying-ability of the world renowned Australorp breed will be installed. Also included in the future extensions is the fencing-off the piece of land demarcated for the chicken enterprise.

Molema’s optimism in acquiring significant supply contracts is plausible. Yes indeed; there is a golden egg awaiting Droogfontein Farm Fresh Eggs. South Africa’s largest grocery chains are basking in the glory of the global “buy local” boom. They are sourcing fresh produce and other products by giving preference to local farmers and sensitizing customers to their efforts in boosting local economies.

“Local has become a shorthand descriptor that makes food sound high quality, fresher, more authentic, trustworthy, environmentally friendly, and supportive of the local community,” notes a report by Packaged Facts as quoted by

The egg enterprise received a financial injection from Droogfontein Solar Power for the conducting of a feasibility study as part of the latter’s community based initiative of supporting enterprise development in communities that are a within a 50km radius of the plant.

The Droogfontein CPA invested over R300 000 into the egg enterprise which resulted into its trial take-off.

By Staff Reporter (

Perfectly Packaged: Despite still being a pilot project, the packaging of the Droogfontein Farm Fresh Eggs promises quality, consistency and food safety.


Shakshuka Delight: Droogfontein Farm Fresh Eggs have proven to be best served as a Shakshuka breakfast or brunch delight.


Australorp Hens: The Droogfontein Farm Fresh Eggs are from the markets highly trusted egg-laying breed.


The Manager: Boikanyo Molema is determined to secure lucrative markets for Droogfontein Farm Fresh Eggs.